Cell Rep:分化细胞可重新恢复为干细胞

2014114日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日研究发现,被称为“兼性”的一种干细胞和其它细胞共同组成器官和组织的一部分。显然这没有将这些细胞和其它细胞区分开来。然而,它们有一个非常特殊的特性,即它保存着一种再次成为干细胞的能力。这种现象偶尔发生在肝脏组织中,这种存在器官的组织细胞刺激组织生长,从而可以使移植器官再生。了解这些可使细胞保持再生能力的基础机制是再生医学的一个关键问题。

Jordi Casanova教授发表在《细胞》杂志上的一项研究报告揭示了一种机制,该机制可以解释这种再生能力。该研究用黑腹果蝇幼虫气管细胞进行实验,相关研究表明这些细胞的关键特性是它们还没有进入核内周期,在修改后的细胞周期过程中,在没有分裂的情况下细胞会进行好几次基因复制。

“核内周期在生物体的功能并不完全被了解,”Xavier Franch-Marro说道。“理论之一是核内复制有助于扩大细胞和带来高蛋白产量。”这几乎是所有果蝇幼虫细胞的情况。

科学家们观察到细胞进入核内周期就会失去恢复为干细胞的能力。“核内周期与细胞中基因表达是不可逆的改变,“Jordi Casanova解释说,“我们已经看到,抑制核内周期会给予细胞恢复为干细胞的能力。”





Specification of Differentiated Adult Progenitors via Inhibition of Endocycle Entry in the Drosophila Trachea.

.Nareg J.-V. Djabrayan, Josefa Cruz, Cristina de Miguel, Xavier Franch-Marro, Jordi Casanova.

1A population of Drosophila adult tracheal progenitor cells arises from differentiated cells of the larval main trachea that retain the ability to reenter the cell cycle and give rise to the multiple adult tracheal cell types. These progenitors are unique to the second tracheal metamere as homologous cells from other segments, express fizzy-related (fzr), the Drosophila homolog of CDH1 protein of the APC complex, and enter endocycle and do not contribute to adult trachea. Here, we examine the mechanisms for their quiescence and show that they reenter the cell cycle by expression of string/cdc25 through ecdysone. Furthermore, we show that preventing endocycle entry is both necessary and sufficient for these tracheal cells to exhibit markers of adult progenitors, thus modifying their genetic program. Finally, we show that Hox-mediated regulation of fzr expression is responsible for progenitor identity and thus specifies a group of differentiated cells with facultative stem cell features.
